Custom Sign Build and Custom Icons Build: Completion Fee 1 of 2

Pax8 + Adobe Sign V4.png
Pax8 + Adobe Sign V4_Image2.png
Pax8 + Adobe Icons_Image 1.png
IMG_3385 2.JPG
Pax8 + Adobe Sign V4.png
Pax8 + Adobe Sign V4_Image2.png
Pax8 + Adobe Icons_Image 1.png
IMG_3385 2.JPG
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Custom Sign Build and Custom Icons Build: Completion Fee 1 of 2


This is part 1 of 2 of the completion fee for a custom Pax8 + Adobe sign build plus four custom icon tiles. The second part will be payable via a separate link on and will include shipping options. Breakdown below:

Completion Fee 1 : $975.00 USD

  • Sign completion (partial): $575

  • 4 Icons completion: $400

Completion Fee 2 (Etsy): $100 USD + shipping

Total Completion Fee: $1075.00 USD + shipping

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